Torizon kernel support for PCF2127 RTC

Hi, We are using PCF2127 on some other products and we have custom carrier board with the PCF2127T RTC onboard and would like to use the Torizon base images without the additional burden of custom kernel with this module.
The required config part is:

Colibri iMX7D 1GB
Custom carrier board


Hi, @AVHW !

Sorry for the delay. It is being checked internally and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Hi @AVHW !

The feature will be added in early January, after TorizonCore Quarterly release.

Best regards,

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Thank you !
We will continue the development on the Torizon base as this was for now the only missing special HW from our carrier.

(Although in the future some single pair ethernet chips such as DP83TD510E would be interesting but as they are not yet in mainline this likely takes a while)