Trying to get through getting started and am at the point where I am viewing hidden windows and did View->Other Windows->Torizon Devices. The window says “Can’t connect to server. Please check that docker is installed on this PC and start server application”. Is that the same as running Docker Desktop? Docker Desktop is running as per previous lesson and I am able to look at version and run “hello-world” from command line.
I’m not sure if the “Torizon Download/update base and sdk containers” worked. The only message I got on the output console was “Testing if backend service and docker are up and running…”
A check of services.msc shows that Docker Desktop Service is running. HV Host Servce, Hyper-V Host Compute Service and Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management services are running.
I was able to detect the Apalis iMX8QM 4GB WB/IT V1.0B device and it did cause a re-boot. Clicking the refresh icon does nothing.
I have no problem logging in via SSH. What do I do now? Thanks.
From the command line and the same from inside Visual Studio Power Shell it would appear the server is running and shows the 3 times I ran “hello-world”.
I had to uninstall the VS extension and re-install it. A couple of points:
Don’t just have started Docker Desktop app. Make sure it successfully started and is running. Likely had to start it as administrator anyway but if you have a choice start as administrator.
Start Visual Studio as administrator. That way when you spawn the VisualStudio Marketplace it is likely at administrator level too.
After you’ve gotten through the VS extension installation restart VS as administrator.
Your IT guys hate it and it might be painful but you just need to do everything here as administrator!
It sounds like you were able to resolve these issues by reinstalling and running most components as administrator? Are you still having issues after this?
It seems strange you needed admin rights though. Let me run this by the team who works on our IDE extensions. I agree that having to run things as admin is not an ideal experience and depending on certain setups may not be possible for some individuals without having to ask IT first.
One other thought is that usually when initially using the extension windows firewall/defender complains about moses.exe (our extension backend). Which you need to tell windows to allow. Did you ever see such a message? Perhaps this was the issue and you were able to get around it by running/installing things as administrator.