Toradex Torizon Support VS Code extension initialization

the VS Code extension “Toradex Torizon Support” is very annoying during initialization if Docker is not running. There is a pop-up at the bottom right which cannot be closed and in the output window REST messages are spammed.
Will this be addressed in future releases? Maybe at least add a timeout. I would prefer not to enable/disable extensions all the time. This also popups when launching an empty VS Code.

Popup bottom right says:

Initializing Torizon Extension: is Docker running?

Output window messages:

INFO:root:REST -> /api/version/docker
INFO:root:REST <- /api/version/docker - 500
INFO:root:REST -> /api/version/docker
INFO:root:REST <- /api/version/docker - 500

Hi @NillyWilly,

I’ve addressed your considerations for the Torizon Extension development team.

First, can you confirm that you’ve not enabled the Debug Messages in your Torizon Extension?
There is an option called “Torizon: Backend Debug” at VSC Preferences. If that is checked, you’ll see a lot more messages than usual.

We will consider the feedback to put the progress as closable progress.

Another alternative is that you can disable the extension globally and enable it for your Torizon projects.

Best regards,
André Curvello

The option “Torizon: Backend Debug” is not checked.


Either way, thanks for the feedback!

Best regards,
André Curvello