Toradex LVDS display not working on IMX8

Hello everyone,

I am using Apalis IMX8QP V1.1C chip and Ixora V1.2A board. I’m getting image via HDMI but I can’t see the same image on my 10.1 inch screen with LVDS.

I want to share with you exactly what I did and did not do.

Codes I wrote step by step /boot/ostree/torizon-*/dtb -l

3.sudo nano overlays.txt

4.apalis-imx8_lvds_overlay.dtbo apalis-imx8_atmel-mxt_overlay.dtbo display-lt170410_overlay.dtbo

This is what I see on the screen;

Step 1: I typed sudo nano overlays.txt and entered

Step2: After typing sudo nano overlays.txt

Step3: I left a space and wrote “apalis-imx8_lvds_overlay.dtbo apalis-imx8_atmel-mxt_overlay.dtbo display-lt170410_overlay.dtbo”.

Step4: I logged out with Ctrl+X. I pressed the Y key and Enter key.

Step5: After all, I see this screen. What should I do after this stage? Is what I’ve done so far correct? Could you please help me as soon as possible?

I see them in terminal. Do I need to get out of here or just enter Boot mode please help me after this part.

Best Regars.