TK1 mipi csi camera Bayer 12 bit support

I’m writing the driver for the mipi-csi camera. The camera allows only 12-bit Bayer RGGB output. After the driver is initialized, the camera does not work and the message “vi vi.1: Not supporting mbus format code 0x3012” appears in the output of “dmesg”. 0x3012 is the enum value of V4L2_MBUS_FMT_SRGGB12_1X12.

Is it possible to enable 12-bit Bayer RGGB support?

Is it possible to enable 12-bit Bayer RGGB support?

I guess in theory anything may be possible however there are some things you may need being aware of:

While the Tegra camera controller definitely supported such modes and there may even be dedicated ISP functionality available for Bayer conversion, NVIDIA’s Linux 4 Tegra (L4T) which our BSP is based on does only support basic YUV sensors via Video4Linux2 subsystem. That is probably also the reason why no such modes are currently supported by the camera controller driver. As even if they would be supported, one would need to do the Bayer conversion in software. Maybe one could also use separate GPU acceleration for it. So far we have no experience in doing any such but have a few partner network companies knowledgeable about the subject: