TK1 and Qt 5.11.1

Having successfully managed to get Qt 5.10 up and running on Ubuntu on the TK1 (using JetPack rootfs), I’m now trying to get it up and running on a Angstrom image using LXDE 2.8.3 rootfs.

I’ve cloned the Qt 5.11.1 git repository and I’ve installed a number of packages (gcc, g++, xcblibs, etc) onto the TK1 target before rsyncing the changes from /usr/lib and /usr/include back up to the host machines /usr/lib and /usr/include directories.

I then attempt to configure Qt as follows:

cd qtbase
./configure -device linux-jetson-tk1-g++ -device-option CROSS_COMPILE=/home/me/gcc-linaro/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf- -sysroot /home/me/Apalis-TK1_LXDE-Image_2.8.3/rootfs -nomake examples -nomake tests -prefix /usr/local/qt5 -extprefix $HOME/qt5 -hostprefix $HOME/qt5-host -opengl es2 -v

At the end of the configuration process, the following error is presented:

ERROR: The OpenGL functionality tests failed!

When I check back up the build options list, all of the entries underneath OpenGL are set to no and now I’m a little bit lost as to where to head now.

This question may be better suited to the Qt community forum so i apologise in advance however given that it is Toradex hardware, I wondered whether there is something simple which I am missing or whether there is a more fundamental issue which may prevent Qt being cross-compiled and installed like this.


We do not have any experience in compiling Qt separately like that.

We recommend building it as part of an Angstrom Distribution/OpenEmbedded/Yocto Project build as outlined in the following article on our developer website. For testing purpose, you may also install one of them Qt images built and available from our continuous integration aka CI feed in the Toradex Easy Installer.

Thanks @marcel.tx

I’ve just downloaded one of the CI LXDE images with Qt5.

How would I go about making kernel/device-tree changes to these type of images?

As mentioned in above-given link you could build a custom Angstrom/OpenEmbedde/Yocto Project image thereof which may be customised the regular way e.g. as discussed towards the end of that article. You may find the various image recipes here.