Testing RS232 & RS485 Windows CE Dev, board 3.1

i have problems testing and using RS232 and RS485 on dev.board 3.1 with VF50/61 CoM,
for RS232 : i used the tutorials on the dev website
How to use UART in VCSharp | Toradex Developer Center
i made all the connections i think the communication is established, but i have problems reading data (i send specific words and receive gibberish scrambled data on both sides) i verified baud rate and everything as explained in the tutorial.
i still don’t know yet how to test RS485 .
is there a specific method to do the testing, and what are the needed items ?
Thank you


Here you can find a settings needed to enable RS485.

Setting RTSToggleAlwaysOn has to be 1 and RTSPol is depending on your hardware.

Thank you for your answer.
I fixed the RS232 Problem and it works fine, now i still have a problem with the RS485 testing
after following the link you mentioned i couldn’t find the UARTX in my registry settings,
So i still can’t figure out how to test the RS485 communication on my colibri board, could you help me with some links (tutorials, or hardware needed to the the testing) because the toradex developper doesn’t have any support or instruction for it (hardware or software).

Thank you

Best Regards

Sorry, UARTX means a generic one. You should be able to find UARTA, UARTB etc. and set the parameters under the one that you need to use as RS485