Hi. We are using Apalis in our current project. However, our next product requires lower power consumption, allowing lower performance. We would like to try verdin. Is it possible to replace Apalis with Verdin by the way of pin-to-pin? Thanks!
I’m afraid there is no pin-to-pin compatibility between Apalis and Verdin modules. This is especially noteworthy considering that most Apalis pins are 3.3V compatible, whereas the majority of Verdin pins adhere to the 1.8V level standard. Please refer to the Apalis and Verdin design guides for details
Does your question imply that you are trying to retain the Apalis carrier board and create some sort of adapter to use the Verdin module in place of Apalis? In some straightforward scenarios, this might be feasible. However, we strongly recommend designing a new carrier board that complies with Verdin specification.
In addition to @alex.tx comments, your software application from Apalis iMX8 can be easily migrated to Verdin products. Regards lower power consumption, how many watts do you expect?
Thanks. Yes, we want to know if it is possible to use our designed carrier booard directly. However, we have to design it later.
We want to reduce the power consumption to 70% of Apalis to meet the requirement of battery life.
yes, carrier board redesign has to be done to host a Verdin SoM.
We want to reduce the power consumption to 70% of Apalis to meet the requirement of battery life.
It is possible. For example, Apalis iMX8 QuadMax 4GB Wi-Fi / Bluetooth IT power consumption is around 3.8W - 15.5W and Verdin iMX8M Plus Quad 4GB IT is about 1.5W - 6.3W.
Thank you for your help