But when I have some message in the console (for example remove the ethernet cable and plug again again)
The console will print message over the Qt application.
You can disable the Virtual Terminal cursor by using the kernel command line parameter vt.global_cursor_default=0, use the folowing command in the U-Boot command prompt:
@caiortp, oh sorry, I clearly did not read your question completely. You can disable the console on tty1 by removing console=tty1 from the kernel command line. U-Boot composes the kernel command line using the setup environment variable, use the following command to remove console=tty1 from the kernel argument list.
To get rid of the console in any case, removing CONFIG_VT_CONSOLE is certainly an option too.
Regarding cursor, I would still recommend to use vt.global_cursor_default=0 instead of the user space solution, since that makes sure the cursor will not be shown from the very beginning.