SSD not found when framebuffer is disabled in devicetree

Hi everyone,

we designed a custom hostboard with an SSD connected via mSATA. When we got everything working correctly, we started to clean up the devicetree file to get rid off error messages during boot.
We also wanted to disable the framebuffer, since there is no display interface on the board:

&ldb {
	status = "disabled";

&mxcfb1 {
	status = "disabled";

As soon as we did that, the SSD was no longer showing up after boot. The sata controller is showing up correctly. Is there some shared clock or anything, that we have to enable, when the framebuffer is disabled?

Hi @derhoch,

Please confirm which BSP are you using for your application.

Also, which kind of carrier board are you using? Is a custom one or a Toradex?

Can you confirm that, if “enabling” the Framebuffer again, the SSD starts to show up after boot again as well?

Best regards,
André Curvello

Hi @andrecurvello.tx,
it is BSP 2.8b6 (git tag ‘Apalis-iMX6_LXDE-Image_2.8b6.184-20190401’) on a custom carrier board. If we enable &ldb and &mxcfb1 the SSD shows up again.

Hi @derhoch,

Yes, I agree that it’s strange.
I’m discussing this issue with my colleagues.

As soon as I have feedback about it, I’ll come back to you.

Best regards,
André Curvello

@derhoch, do you have any Toradex Apalis carrier board with you? Like an Ixora or Apalis Evaluation Board?

We’d like to check if this issue is reproducible with our own carrier boards.

Could you make this test?

We could not reproduce this behavior on an Ixora carrier board and still don’t know what causes this effect.

Hi @derhoch,

Thanks for the feedback.

Did you compare our design files of the Ixora with yours for the SATA interface?

Best regards,
André Curvello

@derhoh, we can also assist you in reviewing the design of your custom carrier board.

For that, please contact us directly at

Best regards,
André Curvello