I have an Image of 1240x600 created using GIMP tool and followed the instructions Specified in the following link related to Splash Screen but i am not able to see the image on the Display( 1240x600 )
Splash Screen on the Linux Kernel | Toradex Developer Center
Build U-Boot and Linux Kernel from Source Code | Toradex Developer Center
Please help me in this ASAP
November 27, 2020, 4:30pm
I had the same issue, and the screen was ‘reserving’ the area where the image should be shown BUT nothing was visible.
I realised that viadargs
had been reset.
Issue the following fw_setenv vidargs
and reboot
The image was now being displayed
HI @adrian
This will delete the vidargs and the kernel will rely on devicetree parameters. It might work in your case but it is not a a general solution.
Best regards,