Our Master device sends continuous data to Slave (imx8mp)
Our objective is to make imx8mp as SPI full duplex slave mode and try to read the continuous data coming from master
In order to do this , we need to configure the SPI parameter settings following below
By default SPI is configured to operate in master mode. To get this in slave mode, you will need to configure spi bus in for slave mode using device tree modification.
Depending on what pins you are using you can modify spi node. Below is example for escspi1 node which is Verdin SPI_1
FYI we on
torizon@verdin-imx8mp-14753765:~$ cat /etc/os-release
VERSION=“6.4.0+build.5 (kirkstone)”
PRETTY_NAME=“TorizonCore 6.4.0+build.5 (kirkstone)”
We are using pins 196, 198, 200, 202.
I’ll look into thread provided by you. Meanwhile,
Can you guide us to the page which talks about device tree modification. Is there a step-by-step guide for that on toradex documentation?
Also, a naive question but, is it possible to modify device tree without re-building complete kernel or OS?
What is the procedure to modify the pin configurations from ALT0 mode to ALT3 mode for pin 53 and 55?
I also tried to clone
$ git clone -b toradex_5.15-2.2.x-imx git://git.toradex.com/linux-toradex.git linux
$ git clone -b toradex_5.15-2.2.x-imx git://git.toradex.com/device-tree-overlays.git device-trees
for modifying and applying device tree overlay, but it seems this is not the correct path to repo. Can you provide the correct path and the branch.