Silverlight issue when drawing combobox

When combobox is initialized with a selected index, the first time the dropdown is drawn, it contains only the selected item, like in the following image:


When the dropdown is closed and reopened, everything looks fine:


The sample program used to make these screenshots is attached: link text

Do you know how to correct this?

Thanks for any help

Changing Optimization from “Maximize Speed (/O2)” to “Minimize Size (/O1)” seems to correct the problem

Dear @Pascal
Thank you for reporting this. Please get back if you are facing more issues.
Kind Regards, Andy


Could you please look here.
Let us know if it doesn’t help.

It works for 1 combobox, but when more than 1 comboboxes are used, one can be correct but others not.

This workaround seems to work for more than 1 combobox:

Add Handler on the DropDownOpened:

m_pcbTest->AddDropDownOpenedEventHandler(CreateDelegate(this, &MainPage::cbTest_DropDownOpened)); 

And update the layout inside the handler:

HRESULT MainPage::cbTest_DropDownOpened (IXRDependencyObject* pSender, XREventArgs* pArgs)
	IXRComboBoxPtr pcombo;
	pcombo = pSender;

    return S_OK;