I have tried to use VNC on WEC 2013 device. I have downloaded it here https://docs.toradex.com/103102-efonnvc-wince8.zip
vncconfig.exe works correct on the device.
But winvnc.exe shows next error when run:
Could you please help me to fix this?
Additional question: can be shared source codes for VNC for WEC 2013? As I understood, it is Source Forge EfonNVC project, EfonVNC download | SourceForge.net
I do not use any hardware/software from Toradex. I have my own panel (industrial computer) with Windows Empedded Compact 2013, and I have tried to run Toradex Documents - EfonNVC wince8.
This community is mainly a support channel for Toradex customers, so please don’t blame us for not digging into the details. However, I can give you some hints:
All our products are based on ARM CPUs. The code is not binary compatible to x86 (PCs),
As you are referring your hardware to be an “industrial computer”, I can imagine it is an x86 PC.
However, you should get back to the supplieer of the WEC2013 (Usually your hardware supplier) to ask for that DLL.
Thanks for reaching out to the Toradex community!
Could you please start a new thread with more information regarding the specifics of your Hardware and Software? This way we would be able to keep track of it and support you better. Thanks for your understanding!
Hi, just like the other user I’m am using a PC with WinCE 2013, but not a Toradex one and I’m receiving the same message of that particular dll missing. Since I cannot find that dll online (not that downloading it and placing it in a random folder would accomplish something), I was hoping he/she had found a solution.
Do you perhaps know where atah dll would be located in a Toradex pc? I’m assuming in another WinCE the location could be the same