As the title suggests, I was trying to make a serial communication link between a VF61 (currently on an Iris board, later will be move on a Viola) with a Pixhawk2.1 flight controller. On the SoM I have installed the stock Ångström linux and in that i have installed python, pip and the libraries I need (pymavlink and dronekit).
The following test have been conducted both on the UART-C and the UART-B ports of the Iris board. The serial port on the Pixhawk is the 2nd telemetry port(telem2). Tests have been conducted with baudrates of both 921600 and 57600.
Tests have been made to determine the source of the problem but still with not much success
- python has access to read and write on UART
- the UART works when tested with "screen"
- pymavlink works through USB(FTDI cable to Telem2)
- dronekit tries to establish connection but does never get a response (USB(FTDI) and UART)
- same version of dronekit works with a computer(FTDI cable to Telem2)
- if a USB to USB connection is established dronekit works
As you can tell from the test cases above i tried to cover the points in the link where there could be an issue
either with the hardware or the software. Individually the various components seem to work but the desired UART to Telem2 connection seems to be uncooperative. Which is why I’m making a post here.
If someone can give me a hint or a tip to the right direction it would be very much appreciated.