SDHC uses exfat, but apparently, Torizon 6.5.0 doesn't know what that is?

So, we put in an SDHC micro card on our system, only to discover that Torizon 6.5.0 doesn’t know about exfat. I find this odd as it has been in the kernel since 5.7 according to some documentation that I’ve read. Is there a recommended install to have it be able to deal with that filesystem format?


Hey @Evets,

Exfat should be supported, you may have to test out a newer nightly build.


I just downloaded 6.6.0 build 21. It isn’t supported in that. Where would it be supported?


Hey @Evets,

You are referencing the monthly build, It was a recent addition that has not made its way there yet. So it would be in the nightly build.


I downloaded the nightly build and yes, it mounts my sdcard now. Yay! But it is mounted in a weird place,
I would’ve expected it to be under /mnt/sd1 or something similar.

Is that always the location? Where did the 3130-3664 come from? I looked for an automount file, but didn’t find one.

Also, I noticed torizon doesn’t have “unmount”. So, it is hard to undo a mount so I can do tests. How do I unmount a mount?


Hey @Evets,

/var/rootdirs/media/ is a symlink to /media.
You can verify with:

torizon@apalis-imx6-11099408:~$ ls /media -l
lrwxrwxrwx 2 root root 18 Jan 17 17:33 /media → var/rootdirs/media

I believe you are looking for the umount command, without the ‘n’.

You can modify the mounting behavior by modifying /etc/fstab
