Screen freezes in bootloader When Using LVDS WCE 2013

Hey guys, I’m having a problem in trying to use the LVDS with my Apalis IMX6 with WCE 2013

Using the Software developed from toradex “Display Tool”, I’ve configurated the screen to use LVDS in channel 0. I’ve tested the channel 1 and dual channel, but both of them doesn’t even show the bootloader.

In the bootloader it works perfectly, but when It should show the desktop, it freezes only the screen.

With the remote controler I can use it normally after the screen freezes. It is just a comunication problem between the LVDS interface and the display

In the bootloader, when i read the ss configurations, it shows this:

ss.fileaddr:    0x0     (FlashAddress with SplashScreen Data)
ss.filesize:    0               (Size of SplashScreen Data)
ss.enable:      1               (Enable SplashScreen)
ss.dbginfo:     1               (Enable DebugInfos)
ss.res: 0x0     (Reserved Flags)
ss.width:       1024            (Display Width)
ss.height:      600             (Display Height)
ss.bpp: 16              (BitsPerPixel)
ss.ldds:        18              (LCD Lines Used)
ss.type:        1               (Display Type (0=Passive, 1=Active))
ss.color:       1               (0=Mono, 1=Color)
ss.dual:        0               (0=SinglePanel, 1=DualPanel)
ss.overlay:     0               (Overlay Enable)
ss.dpc: 0               (Double Pixel Clock)
ss.pcp: 0               (Pixel Clock Polarity)
ss.oep: 0               (Output Enable Polarity)
ss.hsp: 1               (Horizontal Sync Polarity)
ss.vsp: 1               (Vertical Sync Polarity)  5               (LCD Buffer Strength)
ss.pclk:        51200000                (PixelClock (in Hz))
ss.hsw: 160             (Horizontal Sync Width)
ss.vsw: 2               (Vertical Sync Width)
ss.blw: 90              (Begin of Line Width)
ss.elw: 70              (End of Line Width)
ss.bfw: 13              (Begin of Frame Width)
ss.efw: 10              (End of Frame Width)
ss.acb: 0               (AC Bias Frequency)
ss.disp_gpio:   239             (Display On/Off SO-DIMM/MXM3 pin (0 means no pin used for this purpose))
ss.bl_gpio:     239             (BackLight On/Off SO-DIMM/MXM3 pin (0 means no pin used for this purpose))
ss.dispondelay: 0               (Display On Delay)
ss.disp_pol:    1               (Display On/Off polarity)
ss.bl_pol:      1               (BackLight On/Off polarity)
ss.pcddiv:      1               (Enable Pixel Clock PreDivider)
ss.out: 2               (Output device (Apalis: 0=VGA,1=parallel,2/3/4=LVDS,5=HDMI Colibri: 0=parallel,5=HDMI))
ss.mode:        0               (Standard mode id (overrides settings))
ss.detectmode:  0               (0=use parms, 1=match EDID info with standard mode, 2=use EDID preferred mode)
ss.noOE:        0               (Disables OE/DE signal)
ss.noVSYNC:     0               (Disables VSYNC signal)
ss.noHSYNC:     0               (Disables HSYNC signal)
ss.jeida:       1               (Enables JEIDA mapping for LVDS)
ss.res: 0x0     (Reserved Flags)
ss.edidaddr:    0x0     (7-bit i2c address, where the EDID EEPROM is located)
ss.edidenable:  0               (1=enable reading of EDID data from i2c EEPROM. 0=disable this feature)

One thing that I haven’t found the value is the Display_GPIO pin for the Apalis IMX6


Hi @rafagcf!

Which WinCE BSP version you’re using?
Also, can you provide the full serial debug output from the loader?



The problem is that I was making the changes in the bootloader

It changes only the splashscreen. Everychange inteded to work on the windows must be done in the registry


In recent releases of imx6 BSP we have the UseSplashSettings parameter that allows you to apply those same settings to the OS:

In latest release this should be the default.
There are some conditions (multi-screen, need to use different timings) when having separate settings is still required, but that parameter should solve your specific issue.