RS485 direction and Torizon

I’m porting software from WincE to Torizon on our hardware with colibri, in the past we have used RTS to change direction of half duplex ( RS485) interface with RTS_CONTROL_TOGGLE in WinCE. Now with Torizon your uart driver can do it (toggle RTS to manage direction?) or do you have other solution for it to do quickly, because if we use external GPIO change direction in the application could be very slow in a master/slave protocol like Modbus with the risk to loose received packets after tramission completed during TX to RX driver transition.

Hello @fab.camagna ,

Greetings from Toradex!

The solution you mentioned is what we go with but perhapsyou could also check out these links for more information:

I hope this is useful for you!

Thanks and Regards,