RS232 serial adapter cables in Carrier Accessory kit - details?

The Carrier Board Accessory Kit webpage flyer shows images of the various cables included in the kit. Included are two header-to-DSUB9 cables which are claimed to be compatible with Ixora carrier. I have two questions regarding these adapting cables:

  1. Can I assume these are male pin plug style DTE wired connectors with RX input on pin 2 and TX output on pin 3 of the DSUB9? The flyer does not describe them to such detail and the photo is unclear. I can’t find electrical specifications on these cables on your website.

  2. the photo in the flyer shows the same cable suited for both Ixora headers (X21, X22). Schematically, however, the headers are different, with X22 providing a single UART channel (UART1) full complement of handshake signals, whereas X21 has two UART channels (UART2 and UART3), along with a few handshake signals for UART2 and none for UART3. Can I assume the cables are fully broken out odd-even header pin numbers to in-line row numbering of the DSUB pinout i.e.: 1-1, 2-6, 3-2,4-7, 5-3, 6-8, 7-4, 8-9, 9-5. Hence I should get UART2 access on DSUB pins 2 and 3, and UART3 access on DSUB pins 1 and 4?

  • it’s a regular 9 Pin Serial Male to 10 Pin Header motherboard cable.
  • It can be used with X21 to get access to UART2. If you need access to UART3 custom cable is required.

Best regards,
