I have question about WinCE Rpmsg_Demo.
According to Toradex CE library 2.3 documentation Rpmsg_SetConfigString(hRpmsg, L"Firmware",..)
supports only raw binary files. The developer website page about imx7 FreeRTOS mentions only rpmgsp_pingpong_example.bin as well.
However the demo source code uses an elf format for iMX7:
if (Cop_GetSocFamily() == SocFamily_Imx7)
returnValue = Rpmsg_SetConfigString(hRpmsg, L"Firmware",
L"\\USB HD\\rpmsg_pingpong_freertos.elf", StoreVolatile);
- Does iMX7 support bin format? If so what is proper load address and execute address for iMX7?
- If only elf file supported – where to get
? Only a .bin file is available in the Rpmsg_Demo folder.