Hi everyone.
I ran the recovery-windows.bat from Windows 10 version 22H2 via CMD console as admin, but it did not work. I used the Colibri-iMX6ULL_ToradexEasyInstaller_1.8-20181019 and Colibri-iMX6ULL_ToradexEasyInstaller_5.7.1+build.13 versions and I had the same result with both of them.
Please, see the message below.
Downloading Toradex Easy Installer...
config file <recovery\\\imx_usb.conf>
vid=0x15a2 pid=0x0054 file_name=mx6_usb_rom.conf
-> vid=0x1b67 pid=0x4fff file_name=mx6_usb_sdp_spl.conf
-> vid=0x1b67 pid=0x4000 file_name=mx6_usb_sdp_uboot.conf
vid=0x15a2 pid=0x0061 file_name=mx6_usb_rom.conf
-> vid=0x1b67 pid=0x4fff file_name=mx6_usb_sdp_spl.conf
-> vid=0x1b67 pid=0x4000 file_name=mx6_usb_sdp_uboot.conf
vid=0x15a2 pid=0x0076 file_name=mx7_usb_rom.conf
-> vid=0x1b67 pid=0x4000 file_name=mx7_usb_sdp_uboot.conf
vid=0x15a2 pid=0x0080 file_name=mx6ull_usb_rom.conf
-> vid=0x1b67 pid=0x4000 file_name=mx6ull_usb_sdp_uboot.conf
config file <recovery\\\mx6ull_usb_rom.conf>
parse recovery\\\mx6ull_usb_rom.conf
Trying to open device vid=0x15a2 pid=0x0080.........................
Could not open device vid=0x15a2 pid=0x0080
ECHO is off.
Downloading Toradex Easy Installer failed...
Press any key to continue . . .
I believe that the USB recovery device wasn’t found.
p.s. The recovery mode worked fine from Ubuntu SO. However, the customer will use the Windows 10 SO version.
Thanks for help!
System and Hardware:
- Angstrom v2017.12 - Kernel
- Colibri-iMX6ULL_LXDE-Image 2.8b7. 20200610
- Linux colibri-imx6ull 4.9.220-2.8.7+g57229263ff65 #1 SMP Wed Jun 10 17:07:44 UTC 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux
- Colibri iMX6ULL 512MB IT V1.1A
- Custom board based on Aster V1.1B
- Display Resistive touch 7"