Read LCD pixel data

How to Read LCD pixel data from Capacitive Touch Display 7" Parallel

I am using this display link to product: Capacitive Multi-Touch Display - 7" and 10" Display.

I need to use the pixel data of text and graphic elements that are displayed on LCD.


How to Read LCD pixel data from Capacitive Touch Display 7" Parallel

This is simply not possible. These panels do not store the pixel information received.

Depending on your usecase you could read and interpret the content of the /dev/fb0, the representation of what is being sent to the display. Have a look here on how that could be done, note that the needed pnmtopng utility is likely in none of our images.
If you anyway want to process the image you likely can directly read the content of /dev/fb0.

If you only need to see the screen when X11 is running there is the command line utility scrot which will create an image file of what is currently displayed.
