Hello, I am a beginner new to toradex.
I am using Apalis evaluation board for Apalis imx6 module.
SD Card booting was also attempted.
So, I first used QT Creator,
Using the Flash boot to Qt device menu, Boot2Qt 5.15 | Toradex Apalis iMX6 | Qt 5.15.0
flashing for SD Card image flashing.
After that, apply power to the board and enter u-boot,
written at https://doc.qt.io/QtForDeviceCreation/qtee-preparing-hardware-apalis-imx6.html
The contents of Booting from External SD Card are written in u-boot as follows.
run setupdate.
run update.
env default -a.
After that, the power was re-applied to the board after sd card inserted , but it did not boot.
Industrial temperature grade DDR3 timings.
Trying to boot from MMC1
Only this phrase’is displayed on the serial console.
What should I do in this case?
If I try to re-enter the u-boot by turning on the power again and pressing enter, the u-boot is not re-entered.
Please help.