QT5 toolchain (SDK Setup)

I am stuck during the SDK build process for QT5

abc@ubuntu:~/oe-core/build$ bitbake -k meta-toolchain-qt5
Loading cache: 100% |#########################################################################| Time: 0:00:02
Loaded 3479 entries from dependency cache.
WARNING: No recipes available for:
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
ERROR: Nothing RPROVIDES 'packagegroup-cross-canadian-colibri-t20nativesdk-cmake'
NOTE: Runtime target 'packagegroup-cross-canadian-colibri-t20nativesdk-cmake' is unbuildable, removing...
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['packagegroup-cross-canadian-colibri-t20nativesdk-cmake']

Build Configuration:
BB_VERSION           = "1.36.0"
BUILD_SYS            = "x86_64-linux"
NATIVELSBSTRING      = "ubuntu-17.10"
TARGET_SYS           = "arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi"
MACHINE              = "colibri-t20"
DISTRO               = "angstrom"
DISTRO_VERSION       = "v2017.12"
TUNE_FEATURES        = "arm armv7a vfp thumb callconvention-hard"
TARGET_FPU           = "hard"
meta-angstrom        = "HEAD:2a246b9f26126a662caef79a99845ff8379145b9"
meta-toradex-nxp     = "HEAD:53fdf58e0a31c94ef446fe7c9e20585dad763099"
meta-freescale       = "HEAD:bf7fd9cfe0788fe2f819a4ae2cc7db8327fe161a"
meta-freescale-3rdparty = "HEAD:37c79046d13d10ab16561dddc764c0164ee5deaa"
meta-toradex-tegra   = "HEAD:4931a667e17a72819331265ca8b3b0f176ef6293"
meta-jetson-tk1      = "HEAD:e8b87fe8da7c6fcffa37ab245f50082953cc1ee1"
meta-toradex-bsp-common = "HEAD:eb87aec937ab520da8162c89e69d33faf9bc29a2"
meta-snappy          = "HEAD:a0432dcff49e35af9175c5bdd57d6b5871062ecf"
meta-python          = "HEAD:6e3fc5b8d904d06e3aa77e9ec9968ab37a798188"
meta-lxde            = "HEAD:dbcbbfd9539a9a017bb6c9b7fd67c3ca22c4cacf"
meta-browser         = "HEAD:8cc24caa56f254e09ccb2311b59d054d1f016014"
meta-qt4             = "HEAD:f313dbee2ac3d5fcc9801407947d3cb6cfb90b5d"
meta-qt5             = "HEAD:d87335a50a9dd35d890786edbd79b8953fdaa11a"
meta-freescale-distro = "HEAD:3f958b6a9a4c4120f241e431fec8e5ba616fcc73"
meta-toradex-demos   = "HEAD:51cb154f4219a918590994bcbe0e14f9545120cc"
meta                 = "HEAD:39fc1150e74173fc6d73c464c141dba0b7ac2930"

ERROR: All buildable tasks have been run but the build is incomplete (--continue mode). Errors for the tasks that failed will have been printed above.
ERROR: Command execution failed: 1

Summary: There was 1 WARNING message shown.
Summary: There were 3 ERROR messages shown, returning a non-zero exit code.


ERROR: Nothing RPROVIDES 'packagegroup-cross-canadian-colibri-t20nativesdk-cmake'

Did you add something like XXXXXX_append = "nativesdk-cmake"? If you append to a OE variable you have to add whitespaces as needed. E.g. _append usually needs a whitespace a the beginning, _prepend one at the end to separate your new token from the ones already present. (XXXXXX_append = " nativesdk-cmake")


I have added the following

include conf/machine/include/${MACHINE}.inc
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " opencv"
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " x11vnc"
TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK_append = "nativesdk-cmake"

And did adding a space in front of nativesdk-cmake help?

Indeed It did got the work done,Thanks Max.
Now I got one more error during the finishing point of sdk.
It says that I do have already installed the tool chain. So it exits

abc@ubuntu:~/oe-core/build$ bitbake -k meta-toolchain-qt5
Loading cache: 100% |############################################| Time: 0:00:18
Loaded 3479 entries from dependency cache.
WARNING: No recipes available for:
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies

Build Configuration:
BB_VERSION           = "1.36.0"
BUILD_SYS            = "x86_64-linux"
NATIVELSBSTRING      = "ubuntu-17.10"
TARGET_SYS           = "arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi"
MACHINE              = "colibri-t20"
DISTRO               = "angstrom"
DISTRO_VERSION       = "v2017.12"
TUNE_FEATURES        = "arm armv7a vfp thumb callconvention-hard"
TARGET_FPU           = "hard"
meta-angstrom        = "HEAD:2a246b9f26126a662caef79a99845ff8379145b9"
meta-toradex-nxp     = "HEAD:53fdf58e0a31c94ef446fe7c9e20585dad763099"
meta-freescale       = "HEAD:bf7fd9cfe0788fe2f819a4ae2cc7db8327fe161a"
meta-freescale-3rdparty = "HEAD:37c79046d13d10ab16561dddc764c0164ee5deaa"
meta-toradex-tegra   = "HEAD:4931a667e17a72819331265ca8b3b0f176ef6293"
meta-jetson-tk1      = "HEAD:e8b87fe8da7c6fcffa37ab245f50082953cc1ee1"
meta-toradex-bsp-common = "HEAD:eb87aec937ab520da8162c89e69d33faf9bc29a2"
meta-snappy          = "HEAD:a0432dcff49e35af9175c5bdd57d6b5871062ecf"
meta-python          = "HEAD:6e3fc5b8d904d06e3aa77e9ec9968ab37a798188"
meta-lxde            = "HEAD:dbcbbfd9539a9a017bb6c9b7fd67c3ca22c4cacf"
meta-browser         = "HEAD:8cc24caa56f254e09ccb2311b59d054d1f016014"
meta-qt4             = "HEAD:f313dbee2ac3d5fcc9801407947d3cb6cfb90b5d"
meta-qt5             = "HEAD:d87335a50a9dd35d890786edbd79b8953fdaa11a"
meta-freescale-distro = "HEAD:3f958b6a9a4c4120f241e431fec8e5ba616fcc73"
meta-toradex-demos   = "HEAD:51cb154f4219a918590994bcbe0e14f9545120cc"
meta                 = "HEAD:39fc1150e74173fc6d73c464c141dba0b7ac2930"

Initialising tasks: 100% |#######################################| Time: 0:00:38
NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks
NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks
ERROR: meta-toolchain-qt5-1.0-r0 do_populate_sdk: The recipe meta-toolchain-qt5 is trying to install files into a shared area when those files already exist. Those files and their manifest location are:
    (matched in manifest-colibri-t20x86_64-angstrom-lxde-image.populate_sdk)
    (matched in manifest-colibri-t20x86_64-angstrom-lxde-image.populate_sdk)
    (matched in manifest-colibri-t20x86_64-angstrom-lxde-image.populate_sdk)
    (matched in manifest-colibri-t20x86_64-angstrom-lxde-image.populate_sdk)
Please verify which recipe should provide the above files.

The build has stopped, as continuing in this scenario WILL break things - if not now, possibly in the future (we've seen builds fail several months later). If the system knew how to recover from this automatically it would, however there are several different scenarios which can result in this and we don't know which one this is. It may be you have switched providers of something like virtual/kernel (e.g. from linux-yocto to linux-yocto-dev), in that case you need to execute the clean task for both recipes and it will resolve this error. It may be you changed DISTRO_FEATURES from systemd to udev or vice versa. Cleaning those recipes should again resolve this error, however switching DISTRO_FEATURES on an existing build directory is not supported - you should really clean out tmp and rebuild (reusing sstate should be safe). It could be the overlapping files detected are harmless in which case adding them to SSTATE_DUPWHITELIST may be the correct solution. It could also be your build is including two different conflicting versions of things (e.g. bluez 4 and bluez 5 and the correct solution for that would be to resolve the conflict. If in doubt, please ask on the mailing list, sharing the error and filelist above.
ERROR: meta-toolchain-qt5-1.0-r0 do_populate_sdk: If the above message is too much, the simpler version is you're advised to wipe out tmp and rebuild (reusing sstate is fine). That will likely fix things in most (but not all) cases.
ERROR: meta-toolchain-qt5-1.0-r0 do_populate_sdk: Function failed: sstate_task_postfunc
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/abc/oe-core/build/tmp-glibc/work/armv7at2hf-vfp-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/meta-toolchain-qt5/1.0-r0/temp/log.do_populate_sdk.1758
ERROR: Task (/home/abc/oe-core/build/../layers/meta-qt5/recipes-qt/meta/meta-toolchain-qt5.bb:do_populate_sdk) failed with exit code '1'
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 5970 tasks of which 5969 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.
NOTE: Writing buildhistory

Summary: 1 task failed:
Summary: There was 1 WARNING message shown.
Summary: There were 3 ERROR messages shown, returning a non-zero exit code.

P.S I have already installed OPENCV SDK previously.

Hi, can you wipeout tmp and restart a build?

@jaski.tx You want me to Wipeout the Temp folder contents in Oe-Core folder?

Yes, the general reaction to this error is to delete everything under ‘oe-core/build/tmp-glibc’ and ‘oe-core/deploy’. (That is also what the error message proposes, isn’t it)

But in your particular case you should get away with just deleting everything under ‘oe-core/deploy/sdk’. That is even documented here.

I have deleted the contents from deploy as well as Temp Folder but this error exists.

Initialising tasks: 100% |#######################################| Time: 0:00:32
NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks
NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks
ERROR: meta-toolchain-qt5-1.0-r0 do_populate_sdk: Unable to install packages. Command '/home/abc/oe-core/build/tmp-glibc/work/armv7at2hf-vfp-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/meta-toolchain-qt5/1.0-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/opkg --volatile-cache -f /home/abc/oe-core/build/tmp-glibc/work/armv7at2hf-vfp-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/meta-toolchain-qt5/1.0-r0/opkg.conf -t /home/abc/oe-core/build/tmp-glibc/work/armv7at2hf-vfp-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/meta-toolchain-qt5/1.0-r0/temp/ipktemp/ -o /home/abc/oe-core/build/tmp-glibc/work/armv7at2hf-vfp-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/meta-toolchain-qt5/1.0-r0/sdk/image/usr/local/oecore-x86_64/sysroots/armv7at2hf-vfp-angstrom-linux-gnueabi  --force_postinstall --prefer-arch-to-version   install packagegroup-core-standalone-sdk-target packagegroup-qt5-toolchain-target' returned 1:
Collected errors:
 * Solver encountered 1 problem(s):
 * Problem 1/1:
 *   - nothing provides xorg-abi-video-14 needed by tdx-nv-binaries-1.0-r19.colibri_t20
 * Solution 1:
 *   - do not ask to install a package providing packagegroup-qt5-toolchain-target

 * opkg_finalize_intercepts: Failed to open dir /home/abc/oe-core/build/tmp-glibc/work/armv7at2hf-vfp-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/meta-toolchain-qt5/1.0-r0/temp/ipktemp//opkg-IJvNbh/opkg-intercept-LRhzVw: No such file or directory.
 * rm_r: Failed to open dir /home/abc/oe-core/build/tmp-glibc/work/armv7at2hf-vfp-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/meta-toolchain-qt5/1.0-r0/temp/ipktemp//opkg-IJvNbh/opkg-intercept-LRhzVw: No such file or directory.
 * rm_r: Failed to open dir /home/abc/oe-core/build/tmp-glibc/work/armv7at2hf-vfp-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/meta-toolchain-qt5/1.0-r0/temp/ipktemp//opkg-IJvNbh: No such file or directory.

ERROR: meta-toolchain-qt5-1.0-r0 do_populate_sdk: Function failed: do_populate_sdk
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/abc/oe-core/build/tmp-glibc/work/armv7at2hf-vfp-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/meta-toolchain-qt5/1.0-r0/temp/log.do_populate_sdk.45391
ERROR: Task (/home/abc/oe-core/build/../layers/meta-qt5/recipes-qt/meta/meta-toolchain-qt5.bb:do_populate_sdk) failed with exit code '1'
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 5970 tasks of which 4759 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.
NOTE: Writing buildhistory

Summary: 1 task failed:
Summary: There were 2 WARNING messages shown.
Summary: There were 2 ERROR messages shown, returning a non-zero exit code.

xorg-abi-video-14 is provided by the xserver-xorg package. Can you try to clean sstate for X11, server and video driver and rebuild?

bitbake -c cleansstate virtual/xserver tdx-nv-binaries
bitbake meta-toolchain-qt5

I ran the Code and did those stuff as Specified by you.

   @ubuntu:~/oe-core/build$ bitbake -c cleansstate virtual/xserver tdx-nv-binaries
    Loading cache: 100% |###########################################################################################| Time: 0:00:02
    Loaded 3479 entries from dependency cache.
    WARNING: No recipes available for:
    NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
    Build Configuration:
    BB_VERSION           = "1.36.0"
    BUILD_SYS            = "x86_64-linux"
    NATIVELSBSTRING      = "ubuntu-17.10"
    TARGET_SYS           = "arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi"
    MACHINE              = "colibri-t20"
    DISTRO               = "angstrom"
    DISTRO_VERSION       = "v2017.12"
    TUNE_FEATURES        = "arm armv7a vfp thumb callconvention-hard"
    TARGET_FPU           = "hard"
    meta-angstrom        = "HEAD:2a246b9f26126a662caef79a99845ff8379145b9"
    meta-toradex-nxp     = "HEAD:53fdf58e0a31c94ef446fe7c9e20585dad763099"
    meta-freescale       = "HEAD:bf7fd9cfe0788fe2f819a4ae2cc7db8327fe161a"
    meta-freescale-3rdparty = "HEAD:37c79046d13d10ab16561dddc764c0164ee5deaa"
    meta-toradex-tegra   = "HEAD:4931a667e17a72819331265ca8b3b0f176ef6293"
    meta-jetson-tk1      = "HEAD:e8b87fe8da7c6fcffa37ab245f50082953cc1ee1"
    meta-toradex-bsp-common = "HEAD:eb87aec937ab520da8162c89e69d33faf9bc29a2"
    meta-snappy          = "HEAD:a0432dcff49e35af9175c5bdd57d6b5871062ecf"
    meta-python          = "HEAD:6e3fc5b8d904d06e3aa77e9ec9968ab37a798188"
    meta-lxde            = "HEAD:dbcbbfd9539a9a017bb6c9b7fd67c3ca22c4cacf"
    meta-browser         = "HEAD:8cc24caa56f254e09ccb2311b59d054d1f016014"
    meta-qt4             = "HEAD:f313dbee2ac3d5fcc9801407947d3cb6cfb90b5d"
    meta-qt5             = "HEAD:d87335a50a9dd35d890786edbd79b8953fdaa11a"
    meta-freescale-distro = "HEAD:3f958b6a9a4c4120f241e431fec8e5ba616fcc73"
    meta-toradex-demos   = "HEAD:51cb154f4219a918590994bcbe0e14f9545120cc"
    meta                 = "HEAD:39fc1150e74173fc6d73c464c141dba0b7ac2930"
    Initialising tasks: 100% |######################################################################################| Time: 0:00:07
    NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks
    NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 4 tasks of which 0 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.
    NOTE: Writing buildhistory
    Summary: There was 1 WARNING message shown.
    abc@ubuntu:~/oe-core/build$ bitbake -k meta-toolchain-qt5
    Loading cache: 100% |###########################################################################################| Time: 0:00:03
    Loaded 3479 entries from dependency cache.
    WARNING: No recipes available for:
    NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
    Build Configuration:
    BB_VERSION           = "1.36.0"
    BUILD_SYS            = "x86_64-linux"
    NATIVELSBSTRING      = "ubuntu-17.10"
    TARGET_SYS           = "arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi"
    MACHINE              = "colibri-t20"
    DISTRO               = "angstrom"
    DISTRO_VERSION       = "v2017.12"
    TUNE_FEATURES        = "arm armv7a vfp thumb callconvention-hard"
    TARGET_FPU           = "hard"
    meta-angstrom        = "HEAD:2a246b9f26126a662caef79a99845ff8379145b9"
    meta-toradex-nxp     = "HEAD:53fdf58e0a31c94ef446fe7c9e20585dad763099"
    meta-freescale       = "HEAD:bf7fd9cfe0788fe2f819a4ae2cc7db8327fe161a"
    meta-freescale-3rdparty = "HEAD:37c79046d13d10ab16561dddc764c0164ee5deaa"
    meta-toradex-tegra   = "HEAD:4931a667e17a72819331265ca8b3b0f176ef6293"
    meta-jetson-tk1      = "HEAD:e8b87fe8da7c6fcffa37ab245f50082953cc1ee1"
    meta-toradex-bsp-common = "HEAD:eb87aec937ab520da8162c89e69d33faf9bc29a2"
    meta-snappy          = "HEAD:a0432dcff49e35af9175c5bdd57d6b5871062ecf"
    meta-python          = "HEAD:6e3fc5b8d904d06e3aa77e9ec9968ab37a798188"
    meta-lxde            = "HEAD:dbcbbfd9539a9a017bb6c9b7fd67c3ca22c4cacf"
    meta-browser         = "HEAD:8cc24caa56f254e09ccb2311b59d054d1f016014"
    meta-qt4             = "HEAD:f313dbee2ac3d5fcc9801407947d3cb6cfb90b5d"
    meta-qt5             = "HEAD:d87335a50a9dd35d890786edbd79b8953fdaa11a"
    meta-freescale-distro = "HEAD:3f958b6a9a4c4120f241e431fec8e5ba616fcc73"
    meta-toradex-demos   = "HEAD:51cb154f4219a918590994bcbe0e14f9545120cc"
    meta                 = "HEAD:39fc1150e74173fc6d73c464c141dba0b7ac2930"
    Initialising tasks: 100% |######################################################################################| Time: 0:00:29
    NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks
    NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks
    WARNING: tdx-nv-binaries-1.0-r19 do_populate_lic: tdx-nv-binaries: No generic license file exists for: SGI in any provider
    WARNING: tdx-nv-binaries-1.0-r19 do_populate_lic: tdx-nv-binaries: No generic license file exists for: Khronos in any provider
    ERROR: meta-toolchain-qt5-1.0-r0 do_populate_sdk: Unable to install packages. Command '/home/abc/oe-core/build/tmp-glibc/work/armv7at2hf-vfp-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/meta-toolchain-qt5/1.0-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/opkg --volatile-cache -f /home/abc/oe-core/build/tmp-glibc/work/armv7at2hf-vfp-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/meta-toolchain-qt5/1.0-r0/opkg.conf -t /home/abc/oe-core/build/tmp-glibc/work/armv7at2hf-vfp-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/meta-toolchain-qt5/1.0-r0/temp/ipktemp/ -o /home/abc/oe-core/build/tmp-glibc/work/armv7at2hf-vfp-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/meta-toolchain-qt5/1.0-r0/sdk/image/usr/local/oecore-x86_64/sysroots/armv7at2hf-vfp-angstrom-linux-gnueabi  --force_postinstall --prefer-arch-to-version   install packagegroup-core-standalone-sdk-target packagegroup-qt5-toolchain-target' returned 1:
    Collected errors:
     * Solver encountered 1 problem(s):
     * Problem 1/1:
     *   - nothing provides xorg-abi-video-14 needed by tdx-nv-binaries-1.0-r19.colibri_t20
     * Solution 1:
     *   - do not ask to install a package providing packagegroup-qt5-toolchain-target
    ERROR: meta-toolchain-qt5-1.0-r0 do_populate_sdk: Function failed: do_populate_sdk
    ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/abc/oe-core/build/tmp-glibc/work/armv7at2hf-vfp-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/meta-toolchain-qt5/1.0-r0/temp/log.do_populate_sdk.23082
    ERROR: Task (/home/abc/oe-core/build/../layers/meta-qt5/recipes-qt/meta/meta-toolchain-qt5.bb:do_populate_sdk) failed with exit code '1'
    NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 5970 tasks of which 5953 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.
    NOTE: Writing buildhistory
    Summary: 1 task failed:
    Summary: There were 3 WARNING messages shown.
    Summary: There were 2 ERROR messages shown, returning a non-zero exit code.

can you summarize, all your changes done to the local branch? So I can try to reproduce this issue on my side.

I have added the following at the end of Local.conf file

    IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " opencv"
    IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " X11vnc"
    IMAGES_BROWSER_forcevariable = ""
    TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK_appenc = " nativesdk-cmake"

I am using UBUNTU 17.10 (64)
But Yesterday I Upgraded the OS and the Desktop disappeared (black after log in)
I have tried re installng UBUNTU-desktop and Xorg but nothing seems to work, at one time I do try to Update it again and got an error regarding ppa and update failed.

Desktop Started to work correctly now,I have to install GNOME again.

there are some mistakes in your local.conf file, i put the correct output here,
X11vnc should begin with small letter.
and it should be append in the last line.

This is correct output:

IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " opencv"
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " x11vnc"
IMAGES_BROWSER_forcevariable = ""
TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK_append = " nativesdk-cmake"

Further the meta layer meta-toolchain-qt5 is totaly wrong. You can create a bitbake meta-toolchain, which will create you a toolchain for your image.

But if you want to do the proper way, then first create the image you want and use the do_populate_sdk method.