QT WINCE7 opacity window

I am trying to create a translucent window in QT by setting the window property setWindowOpacity (0.3). But the window remains opaque. Can I do this using QT and WINCE7?

Sergey Gura

I added the SYSGEN_COMPOSITION and BSP_GLES2COMPOSITOR components to the WINCE7 assembly and created a new OS image using the Platform Builder as described here http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/4/A/24A36661-A629-4CE6-A615-6B2910A1367A/Window%20Compositor%20Developer’s%20Guide.pdf. However, when I upload the image to the Colibri T30, I only see a black screen on which the mouse pointer can move.
How can I still solve my problem?

To check the transparency of the window, I use the code provided in the attachment. Maybe I have the wrong code?link text

Dear @GuraSerg,

Could you share the built image with us? Let me program the image and try to execute the application and then let you know the feedback.

Could you log the debug message and share with us the boot log as described here : https://developer.toradex.com/knowledge-base/enable-the-debug-messages

Hi raja.tx !

Thanks for the answer!

The attachment contains the created WINCE7 image and boot log.

link text


Sergey Gura

Dear @GuraSerg,

I build an image with only SYSGEN_COMPOSITION and uploaded here for your testing : T3ImageWithSYSGEN_COMPOSITION, I will come with a technical reason for the issue to you soon.

Please follow this procedure : https://developer.toradex.com/knowledge-base/txx-recovery-mode to bring the module with GUI access.

Let me know your feedback from your testing.

Nothing changed.
The window did not become transparent.
For testing, I use this code.

#include "draggablewidget.h"
#include "ui_draggablewidget.h"

#include <QDebug>
#include <QMouseEvent>

#include <QBitmap>

DraggableWidget::DraggableWidget( QWidget* parent ) :
    QWidget( parent, Qt::Window | Qt::FramelessWindowHint ),
    ui( new Ui::DraggableWidget ), dx( 0 ), dy( 0 ) {
    ui->setupUi( this );

    ui->lbTitle->setText( windowTitle() );

    connect( ui->btnQuit, SIGNAL( clicked( bool ) ), qApp, SLOT( quit() ) );

    setWindowOpacity( 0.2 );

DraggableWidget::~DraggableWidget() {
    delete ui;

void DraggableWidget::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* e ) 
    if( e->buttons() | Qt::LeftButton ) 
            pos().x() + ( e->x() - dx ),
            pos().y() + ( e->y() - dy ),

void DraggableWidget::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* e ) {
    if( e->button() == Qt::LeftButton ) {
        dx = e->x();
        dy = e->y();
        setCursor( Qt::OpenHandCursor );

void DraggableWidget::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* e ) {
    if( e->button() == Qt::LeftButton ) {
        setCursor( Qt::ArrowCursor );

Maybe this code is not correct?
Sergey Gura

In the video , ( https://photos.app.goo.gl/JJbjTaA1P8QtjiGP9 ) shows the interface created on PIC32MZ and EmWin (segger.com). In the new version of the device, I want to apply Colibry T30 and QT. And I want to make the same translucent drop-down menu that does not overlap the displayed signal. How can I do this if SYSGEN_COMPOSITION cannot be applied?
Sergey Gura

Thanks for the help. I really have to learn OpenGL.
Sergey Gura

Dear @GuraSerg,

Thank you for your reply. SetWindowOpacity is really required when you are using multiple window applications and setting opacity. This is not really required for your application since your applications need one window and multiple screen buffer, setting the transparent and translucent can be done on the screen buffers through OpenGL using the QT APIs.

But we are not QT expert, we request to go through demos and examples available in the Qt 4.8.4 SDK, I guess you will find required sample code from the SDK.

Please let us know if you face any issues with this.

Dear @GuraSerg,

Thank you for your update, please feel free to contact us if you any support in the feature. Good Luck!