For WEC 6.0 I’ve installed the SDK, BSP and workspace for v4.5.
When I open the Toradex_000_Core project using VS2005 the “colibri.sdkcfg” file is missing.
What step have I failed to perform?
For WEC 6.0 I’ve installed the SDK, BSP and workspace for v4.5.
When I open the Toradex_000_Core project using VS2005 the “colibri.sdkcfg” file is missing.
What step have I failed to perform?
This is not really an issue. The reason for this is that the PBXML (Workspace) contains a reference to a SDK configuration which is not shipped with the BSP. You can easily generate such a SDK config by your own with in platform builder. Actually there is no need to build your own SDK, as we provide it as well for our BSPs.
If you want to get rid of the wrong sdkcfg reference, just remove the following lines form the Toradex_000_Core.pbxml:
<SdkCollection Name="SDKs">
<Sdk Name="Item" Filename="%pbworkspaceroot%\SDKs\Colibri\Colibri.sdkcfg" />
Thank you very much for your help. Unfortunately I’m a real newbie to Platform Builder and the legacy system I’m working on uses CE 6.0, which is very hard to find information for a novice like me.
One more build question: The Colibri doc indicates that “sysgen” should not be necessary, but when I invoke the “Build Toradex_000_Core” the first time, the output shows that sysgen commands are being executed.
Is that correct behavior?
@jrickbernoulli: That is fine. There are some commands you should not run, mainly the once that rebuild the prebuilt platformbuilder stuff. On these pages you find a nice overview on the Build Menu Options and teh Advanced Build Commands. You should never run a “Build and Sysgen”.
OK. Thanks. Wish I had more points to give you.