Hi there,
I have a problem with the PHP extension for ZMQ.
I have cross compiled the PHP bindings (http://zeromq.org/bindings:php) but the integration via the php.ini with extension=/path/to/zmq.so does not work.
Then I tried to cross compile the whole PHP.
That does not seem easy.
First I run into this error: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51991536/php-cross-compile-for-arm-failed
Even after these mistakes, there are still some more problems.
The configure options can be seen in the PHP configuration. There, the following location is specified for the extensions:
/build/jenkins/v2017.12/console/machine/colibri-vf/build/tmp-angstrom-glibc/work/armv7ahf-neon-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/php/7.1.9-r0/recipe-sysroot/usr /
Is it possible to provide the sources in this place?
Or and that would be best, is it possible to provide a PHP version with compiled ZMQ?
Best regards
HI @david_korm
Could you provide the version of hardware and software of your module?
Which packages did you install additionally on the module?
Or and that would be best, is it possible to provide a PHP version with compiled ZMQ?
Did you check if you can build the image using Openembedded and add PHP with zeromq to the image?
Added the system environment.
I got not so much skills to build an entire image with Openembedded. But if there is no other option I have to fight through the whole tutorials.
Packages that I have installed:
- zeromq - 4.1.6-r0.0
- zeromq-dev -4.1.6-r0.0
- zeromq-staticdev - 4.1.6-r0.0
- php - 7.1.9-r0.0
- php-cgi - 7.1.9-r0.0
- lighttpd - 1.4.45-r0.0
- lighttpd-module-access - 1.4.45-r0.0
- lighttpd-module-accesslog -1.4.45-r0.0
- lighttpd-module-dirlisting -1.4.45-r0.0
- lighttpd-module-fastcgi - 1.4.45-r0.0
- lighttpd-module-indexfile - 1.4.45-r0.0
- lighttpd-module-staticfile -1.4.45-r0.0
- php-cli - 7.1.9-r0.0
Thanks for this Information.
Unfortunately, there is no existing recipe for php bindings for zeromq, however there is one recipe for C++ bindings for zeromq, maybe you can have look to this and inspire yourself to create a recipe for php bindings for zeromq.
Best regards, Jaski
hi @olivier.masson
Hello, The Toradex php package does not allow to have extension module. The php setup with a ZeroMQ extension (or any other extension) is rejected/discarded by php
Where did you get this Information?
Is this possible from Toradex to get a php package in which extension modules are enabled?
No, but you can build your custom Image and add your favourite php package to the image.
Alternatively you can install Torizon using Toradex Easy Installer on the module. Once this is done, then you just need to install the Debian Container, which will give you the possibility to install the debian packages on the module.
Best regards,
The Toradex php package does not allow to have extension module.
The php setup with a ZeroMQ extension (or any other extension) is rejected/discarded by php.
Is this possible from Toradex to get a php package in which extension modules are enabled?
Thank you in advance
Best regards
apache2 - 2.4.23-r0.0
php - 5.6.26-r0.0
php-cli - 5.6.26-r0.0
php-pear - 5.6.26-r0.0
php-fpm - 5.6.26-r0.0
php-fpm-apache2 - 5.6.26-r0.0
zeromq - 4.1.5-r0.0
zeromq-dev - 4.1.5-r0.0