Hi @matheus.tx
I tried with the early access version. The other errors are gone but now it fails while trying to access the image:
Digest: sha256:604ace06a633ba087bc9e0f7ba12b8881ce28094f6c2db5a12510c2b7cbec05c
Status: Downloaded newer image for torizon/torizoncore-builder:early-access
You are running an early access version of TorizonCore Builder.
Access to manifest for image 'geopaxpvtltd/geopaxapp-svc:imagePreProduction' was not authorized; be sure to pass a proper username/password pair for the registry.
Error: Could not determine digest for image 'geopaxpvtltd/geopaxapp-svc:imagePreProduction'.
> TASK tcb-platform-publish exited with error code 255 <
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
It appears it cant access the docker registry. But in a previous step, it is able to push the image to the registry:
imagePreProduction: digest: sha256:9a0444772e1c4e30a657a187ab015070850878b5f84a5d94bdc17d910aac9834 size: 3447
✅ Image push OK
Importing powershell-yaml ...
Installing powershell-yaml ...
✅ powershell-yaml loaded
Reading docker-compose.yml file ...
✅ docker-compose.yml loaded
Cleaning services ...
✅ services cleaned
Replacing variables ...
✅ variables replaced
✅ docker-compose.prod.yml created
> Executing task: tcb-platform-publish <
echo "DOCKER_HOST= source ./.conf/tcb-env-setup.sh -s ${global:workspaceFolder}/storage -t ${global:config:tcb.version}"
Setting up TorizonCore Builder with version early-access.
Apparently this was fixed in the local machine with following suggestion from @jeremias.tx
I added the following flags to the tcb-platform-publish task:
--force --login ${command:docker_login} ${command:docker_password}