OpenBTS Support

Hi Toradex Community,

I am looking for building a GSM mobile network with OpenBTS concept. I have design experience with Colibri IMX8QXP.
When I search in Toradex Community forum, I found certain threads like: Building gnuradio using meta-sdr gives missing pthread lib functions
It is talking about gnu radio and meta-sdr.
My question is: Whether it is possible to develop a GSM mobile network using Colibri IMX8QXP with Yocto OS ?
OpenBTS is usually developed with Ubuntu Server. A Software Define Radio(SDR) or Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) may be interfaced with this Ubuntu Server in which OpenBTS software is installed.
Can the same functionalities be implemented with Colibri IMX8QXP with Yocto OS?

Hi @sajeevan ,
I am collecting information on that, allow us more time to reply

Hi @sajeevan ,
Unfortunately we have not tested this at our end and quickly checking we do not see any recipe available to build using yocto project.

Thanks for the information.