We are having an issue with utilizing offline updates on an apalis imx8 SOM with a custom TorizonOS image with build 6.5 as the base image.
We are attempting to just perform an application update. We have created the docker-compose canonicalized file utilizing the torizoncore-builder command and then pushed it to the torizon cloud and created a lockbox there. We then put this on a fat32 USB drive and plug it into the machine. The logs from aktualizr shows that it sees the usb and searches for updates but does not find any. The path we use is /media/USB/update where the update folder contains the images and metadata folders from the lockbox
It seems like a similar issue is happening here: https://community.toradex.com/t/offline-updates-usb-fail/22379/6
We attempted to logout, clear cookies and then rebuild the lockbox from the solution but still no luck on aktualizr finding an update. Below is the json file referenced in the post linked above for our lockbox in the previous post if it is helpful:
Another thing that was unusual although might be normal is that the 3.root.json file cannot be found while pulling down the lockbox. It returns “version not available, stopping”. See the logs from the --verbose flag below:
2024-05-08 13:13:06,766 - torizon.tcbuilder.backend.platform - INFO - Fetching ‘3.root.json’
2024-05-08 13:13:06,767 - urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTPS connection (1): api.torizon.io:443
2024-05-08 13:13:07,123 - urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - https://api.torizon.io:443 “GET /director/api/v1/admin/repo/3.root.json HTTP/1.1” 424 154
2024-05-08 13:13:07,123 - torizon.tcbuilder.backend.platform - INFO - Fetching ‘3.root.json’ (version not available, stopping)
Thanks for any assistance, Mike