I have the Verdin iMX8M Plus with the Mallow carrier Board, and I am trying to power up the 10.1" LVDS Display.
I have the latest reference multimedia image and i added verdin-imx8mp_panel-cap-touch-10inch-lvds_overlay.dtbo and remove verdin-imx8mp_hdmi_overlay-dtbo in my overlays.txt. Sync and reboot the Verdin.
The HDMI screen is going black but still nothing is happening on the LVDS screen. Did I miss a step ?
Apart from what @kevin.tx said, one thing that is not always clear is that there is a jumper, JP1 on the board schematics, that you need to enable so the display is powered (must be a 12V power source). Don’t know if this is your problem, but worth checking it.
Just for double checking, which version of Mallow are you using?