No ssh login from Ubuntu 16.04

I cannot ssh from Ubuntu 16.04 into my Colibri VF50.

LinuxConsoleImage 2.5 is running there.

The server gives the reason:

Sep 04 17:51:13 colibri-vf systemd[1]: Started OpenSSH Key Generation.
Sep 04 17:51:13 colibri-vf systemd[1]: Started OpenSSH Per-Connection Daemon (
Sep 04 17:51:13 colibri-vf systemd[1]: Starting OpenSSH Per-Connection Daemon (
Sep 04 17:51:13 colibri-vf sshd[7844]: **fatal: Decryption integrity check failed [preauth]**
  • Accessing my target from Ubuntu 14.04 and 12.04 works perfectly.
  • Accessing Ubuntu 16.04 from my target works perfectly.
  • Accessing other targets with other OS from Ubuntu 16.04 works perfectly.

Unfortunately the log is not very verbose.
I assume the reason is some encryption protocol mismatch, but I’m no expert.
Log and configfiles see here.
Any help is appreciated.

Please have a look at the following article on our developer website.

Btw, it seems to me that issue disappeared again with later OpenSSH servers… So I think only our V2.5 series is affected…

The solution is not working for me.
I had to change the .ssh/config like this:

$ cat ~/.ssh/config
Host target
  User root
  Ciphers aes128-ctr
  PreferredAuthentications password
  PubkeyAuthentication no

Thanks for your comment! The only difference between the permanent solution in the link and your configuration is HostName and User, but this really should not make a difference… The Host and HostName value depends on how you use the ssh command. Your solution should allow to use hostname and no user name, e.g. ssh target. When just using Host 192.168.3.* and no HostName/User configuration ssh root@ should really work fine too.