No DVI-D output

Dear Toradex,

I cannot get working the DVI-D output on EvalBoard V1.0A/V1.1A. Previously I had WEC7 installed on the board and the DVI-D was working well. Then I wanted to try Linux distibution LXDE 2.8.b1 but there is no DVI-D output. As I understood it well, the DVI-D should be working by default. On the board I am connected to connector X11 (which is the DVI-D) and also double checked the pin settings (X39 and X40 switched to DVI). It looks like there is something else I overlooked.

Here is the console listing

U-Boot 2016.11-2.8.1+g30a1208 (Dec 28 2017 - 22:16:36 +0000)
DRAM:  1 GiB
MMC:   Tegra SD/MMC: 0, Tegra SD/MMC: 1, Tegra SD/MMC: 2
In:    serial
Out:   vidconsole
Err:   vidconsole
Model: Toradex Apalis T30 1GB
Net:   No ethernet found.

Thank you

With regards


Dear Toradex,

I restored the environment settings using command ‘env default -a’ and the DVI-D output is already working perfectly.

Thank you



You are very welcome.