No Display Output After Disabling SplashScreen

I changed config block to disable the splash screen.

However, the screen also doesn’t display anything after booting the OS image when ss.enable = 0.

This used to be a known issue which was fixed in BSP V1.1b2, but reappeared in V1.1b4.

We will reopen this ticket. Meanwhile there are two possible workarounds:

1. Configure the Display Timings in the Registry

  • In the WEC7 registry, configure the following registry value:
    UseSplashSettings = 0

  • If you didn’t do it yet, you also need to configure display resolution and timings in the registry.

2. Use a Black Splashscreen

  • Keep the splashscreen enabled
  • Update the splashscreen to be a black image
  • Configure the config block to output no debug information on the splash screen:
    set ss.dbginfo 0 , save ss