New WEC7 image does not start on Apalis/IMX6Q

With platformbuilder (installed about 3 weeks ago) I have made a new image (because we need internet explorer) with the latest BSP and Workspace (1.3b). Image was built without error.
I have selected RELEASE (this was the only change to the workspace I have done)).

I also had tried BSP and workspace 1.2b with same result.

The resulting image nk.bin is about 45 MByte (your nk7.nbx has only about 24 Mbytes).
I have updated the image with update tool (obviously nk.bin is used and not nk.nb0 which is about 90 MBytes).

After enabling debug output with
set dbg.serial 1
save dbg

I have got the messages below.
Any ideas how to proceed ?

System ready!

Preparing for download…

Loading uncompressed image…

Reading image size from sector 303105

Loading 47492796 bytes to RAM


Launching image at 10200000.

Toradex Windows CE 7.0 1.3b2

Apalis iMX6 Quad 2GB IT

SMP support enabled

Detected 4 CPUs

Waiting for 4 CPUs

CPU0 is started

CPU1 is started

CPU2 is started

CPU3 is started

Exception ‘Data Abort’ (0x4): Thread-Id=00520002(pth=af80280c), Proc-Id=00400002
(pprc=82f775e0) ‘NK.EXE’, VM-active=00400002(pprc=82f775e0) ‘NK.EXE’
PC=eff764e0(k.coredll.dll+0x000564e0) RA=efe68830(filesys.dll+0x00028830) SP=b38
dfd9c, BVA=b38f1000*

Does our standard image boots on the same module?
Did you also update bootloader to 1.3b2 release?
Did you install the same microsoft updates listed in the release notes?
Can you try to build and download a debug image to understand where it crashes?
I am sorry to reply with more questions than answers, but I need to understand the issue a bit better.
Some additional notes about image.
The standard image is compressed, this explains size difference. The compression utility is available as paid tool, but it’s not needed that you compress image, as you said update tool and bootloader also support standard windows CE .bin images.

Yes, standard images (1.2 and 1.3b) boot on this same module.

I also updated to bootloader 1.3b

Platformbuilder was installed 3 weeks ago so I assume it is nearly the same as in 1.3b

I have built now debug image and now I get the following output during boot:

Toradex Bootloader 1.3b2 Built on Sep 19 2017 13:29:17

Splash screen is enabled.

SPL enabled version.

Using 16MB of IPU memory and 80MB of GPU memory.

Board: Apalis iMX6 Quad 2GB IT

CPU is running at 792MHz.

Using eMMC boot partition (size: 32768 sectors).

Initializing L2 Cache.

Press [SPACE] to enter Bootloader Menu

System ready!

Preparing for download…

Loading uncompressed image…

Reading image size from sector 303105

Loading 89894920 bytes to RAM


Launching image at 10200000.

Toradex Windows CE 7.0 1.3b2

Apalis iMX6 Quad 2GB IT

SMP support enabled

Detected 4 CPUs

Waiting for 4 CPUs

CPU0 is started

CPU1 is started

CPU2 is started

CPU3 is started

MP Detected, # of CPUs = 00000004

NKStartup done, starting up kernel. nCpus = 4

Windows CE KernelInit

Error Reporting Memory Reserved, dump size = 00100000

Booting Windows CE version 7.00 for (ARM)

Memory Configuring: Total pages: 431857, Filesystem pages = 32751

Booting kernel with clean memory configuration:

Total Memory Sections:8

[0] (static): start: 8580b000, extension/attributes: 00012000, length: 046f1000

[1] (dynamic): start: 001b0000, extension/attributes: 00040800, length: 10000000

[2] (dynamic): start: 002b0000, extension/attributes: 00040800, length: 10000000

[3] (dynamic): start: 003b0000, extension/attributes: 00040800, length: 10000000

[4] (dynamic): start: 004b0000, extension/attributes: 00040800, length: 10000000

[5] (dynamic): start: 005b0000, extension/attributes: 00040800, length: 10000000

[6] (dynamic): start: 006b0000, extension/attributes: 00040800, length: 10000000

[7] (dynamic): start: 007b0000, extension/attributes: 00014800, length: 05000000

Scheduling the first thread.

PGPOOL: Reserved 768 pages for Loader pool

PGPOOL: Reserved 256 pages for File pool

OSAXST0: Platform Name = Apalis iMX6 Quad 2GB IT

Message Queue support initialized, g_hMsgQHeap = b38a0010

Resuming all CPUs, g_pKData->nCpus = 4

CPU 4 started, ready to reschedule, ppcb = fffdd800

CPU 2 started, ready to reschedule, ppcb = fffd9800

CPU 3 started, ready to reschedule, ppcb = fffdb800

All CPUs resumed, g_nCpuReady = 4

ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057

ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057
ERROR: VMCopy - Failed, dwErr = 00000057

Exception ‘Data Abort’ (0x4): Thread-Id=00520002(pth=af80299c), Proc-Id=00400002(pprc=857e7ad0) ‘NK.EXE’, VM-active=00400002(pprc=857e7ad0) ‘NK.EXE’

PC=eff0433c(k.coredll.dll+0x000d433c) RA=efd28830(filesys.dll+0x00028830) SP=b38dfd90, BVA=b38f1000
RtlDispatchException: returning failure. Flags=0

Unhandled exception c0000005:

Secondary thread in proc 00400002 faulted, Exception code = c0000005, Exception Address = eff0433c!
Terminating thread af80299c

Unfortunately, if you install platform builder you still have to install all the updates afterwards. Every now and then they update the installation iso, so if you downloaded it from MSDN you may have a more recent version, but you still have to install the latest updates.
Can you try also with 1.2BSP?


you are right. I repeated installation on a different machine and then I saw that updates were installed only until 2014.
Now it works - thank you !