Missing Video Modes On HDMI changes

I founded this link Toradex System/Computer on Modules - Linux BSP Release and there is one subject “Missing Video Modes On HDMI Interface” with issue number " ELB-4728" I am finding this changes for Verdin iMX8M Plus bsp side but not getting anything. Can someone help me to get this changes patch or something ?
I am facing some issue regarding HDMI custom resolution on one of my nxp board. the custom resolution not set from uboot using video argument. This patch may be helpful for me .

Hi @bhavanihimanshu ,
There is no need for the patch, the issue has been fixed in BSP 6.2.0 and later.
Update it to BSP 6.2.0 or later if you are using older BSP

Thanks for your replay @sahil.tx
Can you provide link of updated BSP ?

Hi @bhavanihimanshu ,
Offline images are available here to download