I need to compile a project with MCUxpresso toolchain for windows. I am trying with SDK builder and the SDK that build from there is not supporting in MCUxpresso. I selected SDK from processors section MIMX8Qx5xxxFZ. can anyone suggest a SDK version for compiling M4 core in colibri imx8qx…
Hy @sahil.tx,
I have downloaded SDK as per the guidelines. the configurations i have selected is,
Toolchain - ARM GCC/MCUXpresso for VS code
Host - Windows
Board - Colibri iMx8QXP 2GB
The issue when i import the generated SDK to MCUXpresso it will show as error: This maybe because the SDK(s) was not created for the MCUXpresso IDE.
The confusion for me is i didnt find a toolchain option MCUXpresso for my board.
Can you give a solution for this…
Hi @Ouseppachan ,
Please verify you steps from the documents given inside the SDK/docs/Getting Started with MCUXpresso SDK
hi @sahil.tx,
I have gone through this documents. And from that i created a SDK also, but that is not compatible with MCUxpresso that is my issue. i tried older MCUxpresso versions also. Can you send a SDK for colibri imx8dx which is compatible for MCUxpresso.
Hi @Ouseppachan,
I tested the SDK and got the below error
“MCUXpresso IDE was unable to load …”
Referring to the documentation MCUXpresso_IDE_User_Guide.pdf sec 4.2.2
Important Note: Only SDKs built specifically for MCUXpresso IDE are compatible with MCUXpresso IDE. SDKs created for any other toolchain will not work! Therefore, when generating an SDK be sure that MCUXpresso IDE is specified as the Toolchain.
From NXP SDK builder, there is no such toolchain at the moment for the required SDK, therefore, it does not seems to be compatible.
The SDK is provided by nxp only and not available from Toradex.
You can go with other IDE mentioned in the document.
Hi @sahil.tx ,
Is there any other controller that is similar to colibri imx8dx that have MCUxpressso tollchain…?
Hi @Ouseppachan,
SDK are provided by NXP only, please check nxp website for availability.
I would suggest you to try other options available for compiling the m4 applications rather than sticking to a particular IDE.