Before Easy Installer we followed this procedure to “install” our RAW image on Apalis iMX6 boards:
connect Apalis board to Ixora Carrier board
enter SD u-boot running
bmode sd
from Apalis u-boot -
from custom u-boot, load the custom u-boot itself on mmc with a custom command
run update_uboot
whereupdate_uboot=zero_mm2 loadub_mmc update_sub
zero_mm2=mw.l ${loadaddr} 0 0x800000
loadub_mmc=ext2load mmc ${mmcdev}:1 ${loadaddr} boot/${ubfile}
update_sub=if mmc dev 0 ; then mmc write ${loadaddr} 0x2 0x380 ; fi
Now the custom u-boot is on board and we can connect it our carrier and write the RAW image with dd.
The problem is that with the new Apalis boards (with Easy Installer preloaded) I’m not able to load my custom u-boot.
How can I change my uboot environment variables to be able to load it on mmc?
One thing I’ve noticed is that it looks like there is no mmc2 device, but mmc0 is used instead. Not sure if this could be the culprit.
NOTE: I’m asking a “how to” for my old procedure because I’m having quite a hard time generating a custom image for Easy Installer…