Keyboard and Mouse not working on Eval board + T20

We were getting started with Colibri Evaluation board with T20. The Windows CE is starting properly but the Mouse/Keyboard connected to X31 usb port is not working. We have also tried Ethernet and X27 USB serial out for Bootloader menu. But none of them are working. Can anybody suggest me solution for this?

Are the LED 7 to 10 going on or not? If they are not switched on, the USB part does not work properly. If you want to use X27, make sure you have set Jumpers JP17 and JP17 to USB, otherwise the serial output goes to the lower RS232 port.

I assume if you say the “starting properly” you see some output on the screen and you see the shell with the start button on the left bottom corner right?

Please check once if your power supply is in the specs as well.

If you have more than one module or carrier board or module, please try once to swap them.

LED 7 to 10 are not glowing. We tried swapping the carrier board but we are facing same issue. How can we fix this problem? .We had already tried the USB mouse and keyboard of USB2.0 version, but there was no pointer appearing on the screen.Can you suggest me the solution to resolve this issue?

LED 7 to 10 are not glowing. We tried swapping the carrier board but we are facing same issue. How can we fix this problem?


I just received an I.MX7s module and a Colibiri Eval board v3.2.
I have exactly the same issue regarding the USB.

The LEDs LED7, LED8, LED9 and LED10 are not glowing.

Der @benrey
For the Colibri iMX7, there’s a different explanation. Please refer to the related article:
USB Ports not working on Eval board + iMX7.
Regards, Andy

This is not a known issue, therefore I assume the reason lies either in your hardware setup or the software configuration. Please test the following:

  • The connected USB devices don’t draw excess current
    Otherwise the overcurrent protection can kick in.
  • You use the latest OS image for the Colibri T20.
  • The system does not have any special configuration. To restore the factory defaults, start the Update Tool (START → Programs → Colibri Tools→ UpdateTool), press the [Clear] button and reboot.

Regards, Andy