We have product which we are updating to use Verdin iMX8M Plus as a replacement for the Colibri iMX7D 1GB, we build a custom linux driver in our build and use the torizon core image torizon-core-docker-colibri-imx7-emmc-Tezi_6.6.1+build.14 to achieve this as the linux kernel version is version 6. How ever building the same driver for Verdin iMX8M Plus we used torizon-core-docker-verdin-imx8mp-Tezi_6.6.1+build.14 expecting this to have the same linux kernel version however this is still using v5.15 is there a torizon core image (verdin imx8m plus) that matches the linux kernel version in torizon-core-docker-colibri-imx7-emmc-Tezi_6.6.1+build.14.
Hi, I’m the Toradex AI Assistant. I’m in early beta, and I would appreciate your feedback.
The Toradex Support team will follow up with you shortly!
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The Linux kernel versions used in TorizonCore are closely tied to the SoC and the BSP (Board Support Package) provided by the SoC manufacturer, in this case, NXP. For the Verdin iMX8M Plus and the Colibri iMX7D, the kernel versions may differ due to the different SoC architectures and the BSP release schedules.
As of my last update, TorizonCore follows the NXP BSP releases for kernel versions, and it’s common to see different kernel versions across different SoC families. The kernel version in the TorizonCore release for the Verdin iMX8M Plus (using v5.15) is determined by the compatibility and stability with the NXP’s BSP for that SoC.
If you require a specific kernel version across different SoC families, you might need to consider custom kernel backporting or forward-porting. However, this involves significant effort and might introduce compatibility or stability issues. It’s important to evaluate the necessity of having the same kernel version across different hardware platforms versus adapting your driver or application to be compatible with the kernel version provided by the BSP for each SoC.
For the Verdin iMX8M Plus, if the kernel version v5.15 does not meet your requirements, I recommend evaluating the feasibility of adapting your driver to be compatible with this kernel version. This approach is generally more sustainable and aligns with the BSP updates and support lifecycle.
Remember, kernel modifications and maintaining a custom kernel version require careful consideration, especially regarding long-term maintenance and support.
Best regards,
Toradex AI Assistant
Please, also check if these links can help you solve your problem:
First Steps With Subsystem Updates | Toradex Developer Center.
Greetings @DuncanNapier,
Not all of our devices are released with the same kernel versions as one another. This is mostly because some features/functionalities of the SoC chip are only available in downstream kernel branches provided by the SoC manufacturer.
The iMX7 is an older SoC, so there has been a lot of time for the community to add it’s features to the upstream Linux kernel. That is why on this module we feel comfortable supporting the newer upstream kernel version.
The iMX8M Plus is a newer SoC and not all of it’s feature-set has been successfully ported to the upstream kernel. For this chip, if we want to provide as much features as we can, we have to provide a downstream kernel version based off of the kernel fork from NXP.
That is why you’re observing different kernel versions between these two modules. The kernel versions we use in every release for every module is documented here: Embedded Linux Release Matrix | Toradex Developer Center
Also one more note, the version 6.6.1+build.14
, has nothing to do with the kernel version that’s just our own versioning number for the OS itself.
Now all that said, in our upcoming 7.X series for our Linux OSes we will be using newer kernel versions for our modules. The plan is to provide a V6.6 downstream kernel for the Verdin i.MX8M Plus. That said this future version of the OS is still in development.
Out of curiosity. What version of the Linux kernel do you need and why?
Best Regards,
Thanks for the response. We had worked out version number on the image is not related to the kernel version. It is unfortunate that the kernel version and image version have similar numbers.
We have an SPI-NOR driver which we built against kernel 6.6 which uses an EEPROM feature called SFDP (serial flash discoverable parameter), just a method of gaining EEPROM properties from the chip itself. This is not supported/working in Kernel 5.15 and the Library for the SPI-NOR has had considerable development since 5.15. So we create/modified our driver to use these ‘newer’ feature which means our driver needs the version 6 headers and not the version 5. We can work around this issue but does mean we have to have two different versions of this driver.
I see. For the time-being I guess you’ll have to work-around the older kernel version. That said, keep an eye out for when our 7.X series of releases is ready. As I said, the kernel version here will be more suitable for your requirements.
Best Regards,