I’m new for the Toradex systems, but I have already had Yocto experiences for imx6 series in other brands.
Here is what I have right now. Mallow V1.1A Carrier board, Verdin iMX8M Plus QuadLite 1GB IT V1.1A, Yocto image (Kirkstone - 6.x.y,tdx-xwayland,verdin-imx8mp)
My image is built well (not as my desired for now), and trying to boot on the machine but kernel stuck when it is booting without using “verdin-imx8mp_hdmi_overlay.dtbo”. Does default device tree coming from mainline need modifications for Verdin ? Since I would like to use custom LVDS on the platform therefore I’m wondering is what I’m missing here.
Another thing is u-boot. Without applying overlay, why we see the following logs? Also, does it mean “Modify /vpu_g1@38300000:status disabled” is status of vpu_g1 is “okay” in final state?
I have attached the boot log and used device tree as well. kernelboot.log (23.3 KB) imx8mp-verdin-nonwifi-dev.dtb (87.5 KB)
Try to use the Mallow device tree, it is already on Nightly Toradex images and if you are using a tdx-reference-image it is on your rootfs /boot folder.
The mainline kernel device tree is different than downstream kernel device tree, so if you try to use a mainline DT with a downstream kernel , the kernel will probably not boot ( seems that you are using a downstream kernel from your Yocto image ).
I did already try Mallow device tree same thing is happened. I’m not using Nightly builds, there is no any mixing stuff. I’m using Yocto Kirkstone branch (as you suggest in your website) and have added my custom layer. Here is the my addition on it recipes-kernel/linux/linux-toradex_%.bbappend but it shouldn’t effect it.
meta-toradex-nxp layer includes linux-toradex recipe fetching linux-toradex_5.15-2.2.x and using according to my yocto log. Looks like you confirmed that we don’t have to use hdmi overlay ( as expected), but kernel starts booting when I have included it via “overlay.txt” file.
Do you want me to share anything else with you?
Just to clarify, are you attempting to boot the DT “imx8mp-verdin-nonwifi-dev.dtb” from Toradex or are you using your custom “custom-verdin-imx8mp.dts”? Could you kindly provide your custom DT?
Upon reviewing your kernel logs, I noticed that you are using U-boot version 2020.04, BSP v5.7, to boot a Kernel 5.15.129 , BSP v6.5. So, you are mixing BSP v5 and BSP v6 components, this can cause you problems. I recommend updating U-boot to the latest BSP 6 version and attempting the boot process again.
I’m not attempting “custom-verdin-imx8mp.dts”. I’m using “imx8mp-verdin-nonwifi-dev.dtb”. Sorry for confusion.
Correct, but I’m not mixing consciously. The SOM I received from Toradex has U-Boot version 2020.04 (even though it is recently bought) and I didn’t know that it is not compatible with 5.15 Kernel. Thanks for suggestion.
I tried to update u-boot but looks like I had to continue with Toradex Easy Installer.
I download Verdin iMX8M Plus and copied into sdcard and launched Toradex Easy Installer. Nothing is changed since it is already Dunfell compatible. How can I access BSP 6.x u-boot ?
BTW, I just hit “Erase” button and “reboot” on Toradex Easy Installer in order to test the U-Boot partition belong to sdcard (wik file has already u-boot partition as raw) and I lost the SOM. I think I have to brick it.
If your module is not booting anymore, you need to put it in recovery mode (Mallow has a recovery pin in one of the pin headers) and install Tezi on it again (Download one from here Download Toradex Easy Installer | Toradex Developer Center). The manual will teach you how to do it, but after putting the SoM is recovery mode, connect the USB C to your PC and just run the recovery script for your OS (recovery-linux or recovery-windows) on Tezi root folder.
Agreed, I have installed one of reference image from here and now upgraded u-boot 2022.04 and my yocto image boots in success without any overlay files. So upgrading u-boot BSP v6 is solved the issue as you suggested:)