JTAG with I am using AM625 verdin-am62 Cortex-A53

Hi I am using verdin-am62 with yocto image : Build a Reference Image with Yocto Project/OpenEmbedded | Toradex Developer Center

I would like to know how to have jtag setup to have upgrade

Hello @vtjp,

Thanks for reaching out to the Toradex Community.
May I know what you mean by “jtag setup to have upgrade”?
We do not have a public documentation on JTAG debugging for AM62. We are working on it, but I can send you some instructions soon.

JTAG debugging for AM62, Please share.

Hello vtjp,

At the moment, we do not have documentation on JTAG debugging for the Verdin AM62. You will find some articles on the website of TI itself. You will also find some useful references on this thread.

There is no correct link that help JTAG debug setup, can you share any specific link

Hi @vtjp,
There is no need of JTAG to update image, instead you can use Toradex easy installer for updating the image.

Not to update image, to debug the code?

Hi @vtjp,
Please go through the following guides.
Debugging with TorizonOS
Cortex M4 JTAG Debugging
Linux Application Development

I want to do for A53 core not for M4

Hi @vtjp,
Please go though the link (Linux application development)