Is any update Yocto BSP to support Splash screen for HDMI display imx8

We are using tdx-reference-multimedia-image for Apalis iMX8 and Yocto Project dunfell to build this image

Here are couple of quest made in the past.

  1. How to enable or add feature to show customized image during uboot and kernel booting image in imx8 for HDMI dispaly
  2. How to I enable splash screen and bootup logo using Yocto recipe - Technical Support - Toradex Community

Has any support been added to the Yocto BSP for a splash screen with an HDMI display ?

Deepak Jewargi

Hi @djewargi ,
Unfortunately, splash screen is not supported on the HDMI display for Apalis iMX8 due to driver limitations.
Information mentioned here as well.