I created a custom OS image WEC7 BSP iMX6 based on the original workspace files of the default OS.
The image is created (NK.bin) and I am able to run it successfully on an Iris/Colibri iMX6DL.
I want to generate an SDK for application development.
In the VS2008 Solution Explorer window, I click on the name of the OS design project to make it the active project.
Then under Project, I select Add New SDK and I get the following pop up.
I checked the environmental variables and are set to ARM7V CEBASE TORADEXIMX6BIN
Before I investigate the details why you get the error message, let’s step back:
We generate our SDKs in a way that it should not be required that you build your own (we simply include all features into the SDK, so there’s everything available when you write your application).
So the basic question is, whether you need to Generate the SDK at all?
By the way, we also built the image itself to be very configurable, and most customers don’t need to create a custom image. Using our default image reduces the maintenance effort, as you can easily profit from any updates we do, without having to rebuild your own image. However, I assume you were aware of this and had your reasons to create your own image.
Please let me know if you still need me to investigate about the SDK error, or whether you are fine with using our generic SDK.
We added extra features to the standard image such as IE7 and therefore we need to generate a new SDK. We want to have a customized SDK.
Kindly let us know how to get rid of the pop-up message. Maybe is related to the name of the BSP with is not TORADEXIMX6 but TORADEXIMX6BIN.
Can you please remove from your solution the TORADEXIMX6 configurations? I think that the SDK generator takes 1st release configuration available and may be confused if you have multiple BSPs enabled in your solution.
In the SDK\ folder inside your OSDesign folder you should find a file named .sdkcfg. It’s an XML file that you can open with any text editor, including Visual Studio.
Open it and search an entry like: