Information of setting static IP for verdin IMX 8mp

we are using verdin imx 8mp board and deployed Multimedia-Image-Tezi_6.2.0-devel-20230807104355+build.0.

right now we have two network services running which is
connman and
systemd-networkd question is simple To configure the static IP which one is good to use(connman or system-networkd) in the target ?
2. which one Toradex is suggesting to use (connman or systemd-networkd) in the target and why not other ?
3. As of now we are using to configure static IP, in future purpose we can use wifi or DHCP connection. Considering all those situations which one is best to use connman or systemd-networkd ?

Hi @Akhil.y,

Thanks for posting your query to Toradex Community.

I can understand your confusion to select one package for network management. Please note we do not recommend one over the other, it is up to user preference as every package has their own merit and flaw.
If you still want our recommendation then please check NetworkManager, this is what we have selected for our TorizonCore as well. In the end you may end up using combination systemd-networkd and NetworkManager. Again this very much depend on your use case. Please find reference link below which further provide detailed information.

Reference Link

Please feel free to write us back if you still have any doubts about same.
Best Regards
Ritesh KUMAR

hello @ritesh.tx ,

I Have following same reference link Networking with TorizonCore and i have run all nmcli command I have attached a screenshot for your reference.can you help me for further process