I am trying to capture audio via line in with the following sample format: S24_LE (24 bit little endian). However, the resulting recordings are mute.
I am using the following command to record: arecord --device=hw:0,0,0 -q -r 48000 -f S24_LE -c 1 -t wav -d 60 “recording.wav”
If i use 16 bits, as in S16_LE it works. However i thought i read on the datasheet that imx6 audio codec supports 24bits? Or am i wrong about this?
Thank you
Hi @bpadovese
Could you provide the software version of your module?
Did you get any errors when you launched the command?
Best regards,
You are correct, there is an error message saying:
arecord: set_params:1297: Sample format non available
Available formats:
I was running the command with a script which is why i didn’t see the error before. But again, I thought 24 bits were supported? could you confirm if it is only 16 bits supported by the audio codec?
I think im running linux version 2.7 but im not sure. How can i check?
I was running the command with a script which is why i didn’t see the error before. But again, I thought 24 bits were supported? could you confirm if it is only 16 bits supported by the audio codec?
You can check this with the following command:
arecord --dump-hw-params | grep FORMAT
I think im running linux version 2.7 but im not sure. How can i check?
You can check it by typing the following command in Linux : uname -a
. Please update to the stable Bsp 2.8.