I can't seem to get the /usr/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-g++-9 using VSC to work using a symbolic link to another folder

I am compiling under WSL Ubuntu 20.04. I have an includes directory that has my local includes. I have recently added boost for logging and it is in another directory, at the same level and down one. If I put a symbolic link to a local directory in includes which points to the directory where my boost includes are, it doesn’t work. If I do an ls of the file the the system is looking for from within the includes directory, it is found just fine. I can even seen the file using VSC Explorer, with no problem. If I copy that directory directly into my includes directory, it builds just fine.
If I have my boost directory as a subfolder somewhere in by project directory, that also works if I put the -IBoost/boost_1_82_0 in the CCFLAGS .

So my includes directory is added in the CCFLAGS declaration, like this: CCFLAGS += -Iincludes/
And in my h file, I have
#include “boost/log/core.hpp”
Which works if the folder is actually in includes, but not if boost is connected by a symbolic link. This seems to be an issue with the compiler, aarch64-linux-gnu-g+±9. It says it’s an 64 bit ELF executable. But it won’t traverse the symbolic link for some reason.

Any help would be appreciated.


Hey @Evets,

Is this issue particular to just the boost symbolic link directory, or for all symbolically linked directories?


It isn’t boost specific. The compiler just won’t find the directory, even when it is in the path as a symbolic linked folder.
I would think that gcc compilers would work with symbolic links. Is this something with our specific compiler, or something else?

If I copy the directory of includes to the same name as the symbolic link name was with the same compiler -IdirectoryName, it works fine.


Hey @Evets,

The symbolic links won’t work because of how docker references these files locations. So this is actually the expected behavior. The solution is just not to use symbolic links there. And if it works for you to to copy the directory, perfect!
