How to use aktualizr for OTA updates on top AGL platform

I have been trying to use aktaulizr for OTA updates but while creating account on OTA Connect site found out that HERE Technologies has discontinued service for OTA Connect.

I want to use aktualizr and connect it with our own server but I didn’t get any guidelines or any documentation related to that.

Can you please help me with how existing aktualizr features in AGL(Automative Grade Linux) can be used for OTA update? Any other organization which is providing aktualizr support?

Hi Nistish,

In terms of detailed documentation, I would recommend you check their online resource.
From Toradex we have the below article explaining HERE OTA Connect.

For OTA we provide support for our Torizon OS. You may like to check the below link.

Best Regards

Ritesh Kumar

Have you evaluated Torizon OTA: ?
It will soon allow uploading custom OSTree images and updating of container images on TorizonCore.