How to update Qt run time library on target


I use LXDE Demo Image (Stable) (2.7 | 2018-01-04 | 139.37 MB) on my apalis iMX6 board.
From this I should build a new image to include the Qt run time library.

  1. If I want to include the latest version of Qt in my new image what should I do?
  2. Is there any Qt run time library in my current demo image?
  3. If I want to make the Qt5 (bitbake -k meta-toolchain-qt5) and make a new image (bitbake -k angstrom-lxde-image) which one should be first? can I do these with one oe-core source? after first make I should do any before starting second make?


hi @prog

Welcome to the Toradex Community!!!

If I want to include the latest version of Qt in my new image what should I do?

As explained in the article you mentioned, you need to do an OpenEmbedded build. For the newest Qt5 version, you should use the 2.8 branch for compiling.

You have these choices:

  1. You can add the Qt features to the local.conf
  2. or u can just compile the qt5 image X11 image without desktop.

Is there any Qt run time library in my current demo image?


If I want to make the Qt5 (bitbake -k meta-toolchain-qt5) and make a new image (bitbake -k angstrom-lxde-image) which one should be first? can I do these with one oe-core source? after first make I should do any before starting second make?

You can do bitbake -k angstrom-lxde-image (afer adding Qt support in local conf) -c populate_sdk.
This will give you the image for the module and the correct SDK.

Thanks for your quick answer,

You can add the Qt features to the

How should I add Qt to local.conf? So what is the role of bblayer.conf file? Beacause when I checked the bblayer.conf file in build directory path I can see these lines:

${TOPDIR}/…/layers/meta-qt4 \

${TOPDIR}/…/layers/meta-qt5 \

You use a different bblayer.conf file for your LXDE Demo Image that the Qt is not included ?



The bblayer.conf file lists the layers which bitbake parses to find recipes. So all recipes in these layers could be used to be built and added to an image. Which of those recipes actually are part of your image is defined by your image recipe and potential additions you do in local.conf.
