How to replace start up QT app with own QT App


I am currently using “Apalis-iMX6_Reference-Multimedia-Image-Tezi_5.4.0+build.11” image.
A default QT app will start every time the system is turn on, and I was wondering how to replace that default QT app with my own.

I found How to Autorun Application at the Start up in Linux | Toradex Developer Center but I don’t really understand it.

Step by step:

  1. Login to your device
  2. edit file /lib/systemd/system/wayland-app-launch.service
  3. Repleace “ExecStart=/usr/bin/” with your script

Hi @MariusM ,

Thanks, I was able to auto run the app on startup.

Always at your service :wink:
The Toradex website contains a lot of information , but sometimes you can get lost:
processor versions, operating systems, docker, x11,wayland etc.
You must be vigilant

Step by step:

  1. read Toradex documenrtation
  2. If it doesn’t work goto 1 if it works goto 3
  3. sweet